Figure 3.
Association of SNP rs727479 with (A) endometrial cancer and (B) E2 levels, by quartile of BMI distribution. In Fig. 3A the log(OR) of endometrial cancer associated with each A allele of SNP rs727479 is shown for each quartile of the BMI distribution, adjusting for age. There is a borderline significant interaction between genotype and BMI quartile (P=0.047). Figure 3B shows the regression coefficient (β) for the association between each A allele of rs727479 and log-transformed E2 levels (adjusted for laboratory batch, study, age at blood draw, BMI, HRT use and menopausal status), (Pinteraction=0.066). For both plots, the error bars are 95% CI, and the quartiles are based on the BMI distribution in endometrial cancer cases, to allow for comparability between plots, and to ensure sufficient cases in each quartile.