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. 2015 Oct 26;36(1):60–63. doi: 10.3343/alm.2016.36.1.60

Table 1. Clinical information of patients and comparison of morphological and molecular identification methods.

Patient No. Age/sex Specimen Microscopic morphological ID Molecular identification Underlying disease Diagnosis Antifungal agent/outcome
Sequencing ID ITS D1/D2
Accession No. (identity) Accession No. (identity)
1 56/M Endotracheal Cunninghamella bertholletiae C. bertholletiae ND FJ345351.1 Kidney transplant Pneumonia Expired
540/540 (100%)
2* Sputum Lichtheimia sp. L. corymbifera EU330179.1 FJ719444.1
538/538 (100%) 462/471 (98%)
3 52/M Blood Lichtheimia sp. L. corymbifera HQ285610.1 ND DM, liver cirrhosis ARDS Expired
702/702 (100%)
4 69/M Sputum Rhizomucor sp. L. ramosa JN315007.1 JN315038.1 Lung cancer Lung cancer Expired
466/468 (99%) 550/550 (100%)
5 69/M Urine Rhizomucor sp. L. corymbifera HQ285610.1 ND Diffuse large B cell lymphoma Diffuse cerebral dysfunction Expired
702/702 (100%)
6 53/M Stool R/O Rhizomucor sp. Mucor fragilis F299225.1 ND Liver cirrhosis Liver transplant work up
408/408 (100%)
7 61/M Sputum R/O Rhizomucor sp. R. pusillus JN315022.1 ND Alcoholism R/O fungal ball
517/517 (100%)
8 46/M Endotracheal Rhizopus sp. Rhizopus microsporus AB381937.1 AB363776.1 Liver cirrhosis Pneumonia Expired
678/679 (99.9%) 671/679 (98.8%)
9 68/M Nasal Unidentified Mucorales Rhizopus microsporus AY243961.1 AB250181.1 DM Invasive mucormycosis Amphotericin B/Expired
623/623 (100.0%) 618/618 (100.0%)
10 26/M Endotracheal R/O Mucor sp. R. pusillus AB369914.1 AF113475.1 B-ALL Pneumonia Expired
610/610 (100%) 566/566 (100%)
11 56/M Stool Syncephalastrum racemosum S. racemosum HM999978.1 HM849721.1 HCC Liver transplant work up
164/166 (99%) 422/432 (98%)
12 56/M Endotracheal R/O L corymbifera complex L. corymbifera FJ719398.1 ND Myelodysplastic syndrome Pneumonia Expired
575/575 (100%)

*Clinical information is missing during the procedure of data handling and it was not traceable.

Abbreviations: R/O, rule out; ND, not done; ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; DM, diabetes mellitus; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma.