The expression of prd-1 is transiently increased in response to glucose and is elevated in prd-1 mutant strains. (Left) Cultures of WT (ras-1[bd]) or prd-1 (prd-1; ras-1[bd]) were grown in Bird medium containing 0.1% glucose for 24 h, and then glucose was added to 2% to half of the cultures. Samples were collected at the times noted, and prd-1 mRNA levels were determined by qRT-PCR (quantitative reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction) and normalized to the amount of NCU08964, a gene chosen because its level does not change under most growth conditions (34). Error bars ± 1 SD, n = 4 for prd-1+, n = 5 for prd-1−. (Right) When all time points from the Left panel are collapsed across time, it is clear that the amount of prd-1 mRNA is elevated in the prd-1 mutant strain compared with WT; the wide spread of data points in WT with added glucose reflects the transient increase noted in the Left panel. All data are plotted with error bars equal to the 95% confidence interval.