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. 2015 Dec 31;10(12):e0146072. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0146072

Table 1. Candidate regulatory variants.

Gene Pop a VariantType Position b SNP ID Variant Alleles c DAF (%) d
Ref Alt Anc c Den Nea AFR ASN EUR
CXXC1 CHB 5’UTR 18:47814249 rs59393148 T C e A T C 75 89 91
LRP5 CHB Intronic 11:68209477 rs671494 A C e A A A 22 75 65
LRP5 CHB Intronic 11:68209478 rs649772 C A e C C C 22 72 63
RUNX2 CHB/YRI Intronic 6:45420847 rs2677100 C T e C C C 87 96 65
RUNX2 CHB/YRI Intronic 6:45511541 rs10948238 C e T T T T 28 96 59
RUNX2 YRI Intronic 6:45511945 rs13201287 G A e G G G 45 4 28

Gene name and the population in which the selection signal was observed are given along with the variant type, SNP ID, position, alleles and frequencies.

a Populations YRI = Yoruba in Ibadan, Nigeria; CHB = Han Chinese in Beijing, China.

b Variant position chromosome: genomic co-ordinates in human reference GRCh37.

c Variant alleles Ref = reference; Alt = alternate; Anc = ancestral; Den = archaic Denisovan; Nea = Neanderthal. The ancestral and derived states of each variant were based on a 6 way primate alignment as determined by the Ensembl compara pipeline [50, 51].

d Derived allele frequencies (DAF) AFR = Africans; ASN = East Asians; EUR = Europeans.

e Derived alleles. For rs59393148 we consider the C allele to be derived in modern humans and Neanderthals, as the archaic Denisovan hominin is homozygous for the T allele which is also more prevalent in Africa.