Figure 1. TtAgo interferes with plasmid DNA.
a, Overview of ago gene loci of T. thermophilus strains: HB27 (wild type), HB27EC (spontaneous derivative with enhanced competence), HB27Δago (knockout), and HB27Δago::sago (HB27Δago complemented with a strep(II)-tag-ago gene fusion insert). KanR, kanamycin resistance marker. b, Transformation efficiency of T. thermophilus strains on transformation with the plasmid pMHPnqosGFP (Extended Data Table 5). Error bars indicate standard deviations of biological duplicates. c, Yield of pMHPnqosGFP plasmid mini preparation (miniprep) of HB27 and HB27Δago. Error bars indicate standard deviations of biological triplicates. d, Plasmid content of total DNA purified from HB27Δago relative to that from HB27, as quantified by Genetools (Syngene) after resolving the DNA on a 0.8% agarose gel. Error bars indicate standard deviations of biological triplicates.