Figure 1.
The Suppressed-by-Contrast retinal ganglion cell. (A) Spike responses to a step of light from darkness to 200 R*/rod/s (highlight) measured in cell-attached configuration (black) and in voltage-clamp to isolate excitatory (blue) and inhibitory (red) currents. (B) Morphology of the ganglion cell in z-projection. Bottom, side view showing stratification profile along with ChAT bands (blue), location marked with blue arrows. Scale bars are 50 μm. (C) Spike responses to spots of varying negative (left) and positive (right) contrast presented to the receptive field center from a mean of 1000 R*/rod/s. (D) Peak excitatory (blue; excitatory current inverted for comparison) and inhibitory (red) synaptic currents in response to negative (left) and positive (right) contrast steps. (E) Normalized spike suppression versus contrast calculated across cells from data as in C. Shaded regions are s.e.m, n = 14 cells. (F) Average current traces from the cell depicted in D. Note the difference in scale between inhibitory currents for positive and negative contrast. Error bars are s.e.m. across trials for a single cell, n = 10 trials.