Table 1.
The initial series of exposures included 1 round of game play (~50 shots) delivered at 88 dB peak SPL. For every 3 consecutive participants with TTS ≤ 5 dB, the level was increased in 5-dB steps up to a maximum of 108 dB peak SPL. Several participants had TTS exceeding 5 dB at 108 dB peak × 50 shots, resetting the “counter” each time. There was no reliable change in function across subjects however. With 3 consecutive participants with TTS ≤ 5 dB at 50 shots × 108 dB peak SPL, the level was decreased back to 88 dB SPL peak, and the number of shots was doubled. This process was repeated to a maximum of 108 dB peak SPL × 3200 shots. After receiving IRB approval for higher sound level tests, the effect of 111 dB and 114 dB SPL stimuli was assessed following a similar iterative procedure. A final series of tests at 117 dB peak SPL were initiated, ending with a maximum of 200 shots, with no reliable changes in any of the subjects who participated in that level series.