Dysregulation of natural antisense transcripts in LOAD. A) Schematic representation of the loci expressing the newly discovered antisense RNAs HAO2-AS and EBF3-AS (in black) and their overlapping protein coding genes (in blue). B) qRT-PCR analysis of HAO2-AS and EBF3-AS expression in commercially available RNA from different human tissues. On the Y axe is depicted the expression of the analyzed gene relative to the housekeeping gene β-ACTIN. C) qRT-PCR analysis of HAO2-AS and EBF3-AS expression in RNA extracted from hNSCs fractionated in different cellular compartments: cytosol (Cyto), nucleoplasm (Nuc) and chromatin (Chr). qRT-PCR expression analysis of HAO2-AS (D) andEBF3-AS (E) in postmortem brain tissues from four different regions of LOAD and age-matched control. Cer = Cerebellum (24 patients, 20 controls), SFG = Superior frontal Gyrus (17 patients, 18 controls), Ectx = Entorhinal cortex (8 patients, 9 controls), Hipp = Hippocampus (12 patients, 10 controls). On the Y axe is depicted the expression of the analyzed gene relative to the housekeeping gene ΠΓK1. Gene expression is normalized to CTRL. Error bars are S.E.M.; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01.