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. 2015 Dec 30;(3):e6833. doi: 10.3897/BDJ.3.e6833

Data set 1.

Column label Column description
id Identification Information. OccurrenceID.
type Pinned Specimen or Observation Record
language Language (=English)
rights Rights
rightsHolder Rights Holder
collectionID Collection ID
institutionCode Institution Code
collectionCode Collection Code
datasetName Data set Name
ownerInstitutionCode Owner Institution Code
basisOfRecord Preserved Specimen or Observation Record
informationWithheld Information Withheld (Yes, No)
occurrenceID Occurrence ID
catalogNumber Catalog Number
recordedBy Recorded By (i.e., Collectors)
individualCount Count of Specimens
sex Female, Female Queen, or Male
otherCatalogNumbers Other Catalog Numbers
previousIdentifications Previous Identifications
associatedReferences Associated References
associatedTaxa Associated Taxa, e.g., Floral Host
year Year
month Month
day Day
verbatimEventDate Verbatim Event Date
fieldNumber Plot ID, if relevant
country Country
stateProvince State/Provnce
county County
locality Locality Description
verbatimElevation Verbatim Elevation
minimumElevationInMeters Elevation based on U.S. DEM (2015)
decimalLatitude Latitude WGS 1984
decimalLongitude Longitude WGS 1984
geodeticDatum Datum (Geospatial)
identifiedBy Species Identification Author
identificationQualifier Identification Qualifier
scientificName Scientific Name
kingdom Kingdom
phylum Phylum
class Class
order Order
family Family
genus Genus
subgenus Subgenus
specificEpithet Specific Epithet
infraspecificEpithet Infraspecific Epithet
taxonRank Taxon Rank
scientificNameAuthorship Scientific Name Authorship