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. 2016 Jan;4(1):49–58. doi: 10.1016/S2213-2600(15)00466-X

Table 1.

Concordance between single WGS and routine laboratory methods for mycobacterial speciation

Routine methods and WGS identification failed 9
Routine methods failed 2*
Identified by routine methods 345 (100%)
Concordant 322 (93%)
M tuberculosis complex 157 (46%)
M avium complex 71 (21%)
M abscessus complex 39 (11%)
M gordonae 18 (5%)
M xenopi 11 (3%)
M tuberculosis complex (BCG) 8 (2%)
M kansasii 6 (2%)
M malmoense 3 (1%)
M fortuitum 2 (1%)
M szulgai 2 (1%)
M tuberculosis complex (M africanum) 2 (1%)
M celatum 1 (<1%)
M lentiflavum 1 (<1%)
M tuberculosis complex and M avium complex 1 (<1%)
Part concordant 10 (3%)
WGS gained one species 5 (1%)
WGS missed one species 3 (1%)
WGS identified related species 1 (<1%)§
WGS identified subspecies 1 (<1%)
Discordant 3 (1%)
WGS failed 10 (3%)

Data in parentheses are % of specimens identified by routine methods. M=Mycobacterium. WGS=whole-genome sequencing.


WGS identified M avium complex (good quality WGS; 32 [97%] of 33 genes identified) and M kumamotonense (poor quality WGS; 58 [58%] of 100 genes identified).

One routine M tuberculosis complex (MTBC): WGS identified MTBC plus M avium complex (retesting not possible); three routine M avium complexes: WGS identified MTBC plus M avium complexes (two retesting supported routine; one supported WGS); one routine M abscessus complex: WGS identified M abscessus plus M avium complex (retesting supported routine); appendix.

One routine MTBC plus M avium complex: WGS identified MTBC (retesting supported WGS); two routine MTBC plus M avium complex: WGS M avium complex (one poor quality WGS; two [6%] of 33 genes identified; one unable to retest); appendix.


One undescribed mycobacterial species similar to M avium: WGS identified M avium complex (appendix).

One routine M fortuitum: WGS identified M fortuitum-acetamidolyticum (poor quality WGS; 33 [33%] of 100 genes identified); appendix.

One routine M kansasii: WGS identified M avium complex (routine testing subsequently confirmed M avium complex); one routine M avium complex: WGS M scrofulaceum (poor quality WGS; one [1%] of 72 genes identified); one routine MTBC: WGS identified M abscessus complex (good quality WGS; 38 [95%] of 40 genes identified; unable to retest specimen); appendix.