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. 2016 Jan;208(Suppl 56):s55–s62. doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.114.153841

Table 3.

Theory of change (ToC) indicators at health organisation level

ToC outcome Indicator(s) Study design
a. Programme approved and budget
    available at district level
Mental health integrated into the district health plan
% increase in financial resources allocated to mental health released
on time and available to spend
Case study: district profile

b. Functioning medication supply chain Number of stockouts in past 30 days for essential psychotropic
medications outlined in the mental healthcare plan
Case study: facility profile

c. Programme coordinator in post Mental health programme coordinator in post prior to mental
healthcare plan implementation
Case study: district profile

d. Essential medications are available
    in health facilities
Medications are available at all clinics 95% of time (disaggregated
by clinic and type of medication)
Case study: facility profile

e. Adequate ongoing management, quality
    control and clinical supervision in place
All staff receive quality supervision on a regular basis as defined by
the mental healthcare plan and guidelines
Case study: training and supervision
Case study: process evaluation