Table 3.
Theory of change (ToC) indicators at health organisation level
ToC outcome | Indicator(s) | Study design |
a. Programme approved and budget available at district level |
Mental health integrated into the district health plan % increase in financial resources allocated to mental health released on time and available to spend |
Case study: district profile |
b. Functioning medication supply chain | Number of stockouts in past 30 days for essential psychotropic medications outlined in the mental healthcare plan |
Case study: facility profile |
c. Programme coordinator in post | Mental health programme coordinator in post prior to mental healthcare plan implementation |
Case study: district profile |
d. Essential medications are available in health facilities |
Medications are available at all clinics 95% of time (disaggregated by clinic and type of medication) |
Case study: facility profile |
e. Adequate ongoing management, quality control and clinical supervision in place |
All staff receive quality supervision on a regular basis as defined by the mental healthcare plan and guidelines |
Case study: training and supervision evaluation Case study: process evaluation |