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. 2016 Jan;208(Suppl 56):s55–s62. doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.114.153841

Table 4.

Theory of change (ToC) indicators at facility and community levels

ToC outcome Indicator(s) Study design
f. Service providers in post Adequate numbers of human resources as per the mental healthcare
plan are available at primary and community levels
Case study: facility profile

g. Service providers able to diagnose and treat
    priority mental disorders
Change in knowledge and attitudes pre- and post-training Case study: training and
supervision evaluation

h. Psychosocial interventions available Staff trained in psychosocial interventions are available at the facility Case study: facility profile

i. People with mental disorders are identified
    and/or diagnosed in facilities
Increased number and proportion of people correctly identified/
diagnosed with depression and alcohol use and treated with
evidence-based interventions
Increase in % mental health case-load as a proportion of total primary
healthcare headcount
Facility detection survey

Case study: facility profile

j. Services accessible, affordable and acceptable Patients' perception of accessibility and acceptability of services Qualitative cohort

k. People with priority disorders receive
    treatment as intended for the required duration
    and adequately referred if necessary
Increased number of people correctly receiving evidence-based
Number of patients who received psychosocial interventions at
community level and facility level for the required duration
Facility detection survey


l. Improved outcomes for people with mental
    disorders treated by the programme and
    their families/carers
Improved health, social and economic outcomes of people living
with priority mental disorders

m. Increased effective coverage of evidence-
    based mental health services
Increased coverage of evidence-based mental health services Community survey

n. People with mental disorders are identified
    in the community
Increased number of cases detected and managed by community
health workers
Case study: community

o. People with mental disorders are willing to
    seek treatment
Increase in help-seeking and earlier presentation at clinic Facility detection survey

p. Community is aware of mental illness and
    stigma is reduced
Improved mental health literacy and decrease in stigma
Community members are aware of local availability of treatment
Decreased reported stigma by people with priority disorders
Community survey


q. Environmental, policy, social and political
    context of the district is monitored for
    modification of implementation
Changes in environmental, policy, social and political contexts
are monitored throughout implementation
Case study: district profile