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. 2016 Jan 4;16:1. doi: 10.1186/s12913-015-1254-9

Table 6.

Determinants of provider choice for outpatient care for chronic conditions

Variable None Other Pharmacist Private NDAP
Odds Ratio Standard Error Odds Ratio Standard Error Odds Ratio Standard Error Odds Ratio Standard Error Odds Ratio Standard Error
Female headed household (1/0) 0.635 0.213 0.738a 0.125 0.814a 0.101 0.806 0.137 0.863 0.114
Female older than 55 years (1/0) 1.478 0.633 0.810 0.193 0.951 0.170 0.812 0.200 1.209 0.218
Male aged 14–55 years (1/0) 1.268 0.473 0.816 0.166 1.010 0.147 0.806 0.161 1.075 0.170
Male older than 55 years (1/0) 2.157a 0.929 0.893 0.225 1.006 0.192 0.844 0.220 1.164 0.232
Log of household size 1.708 0.560 1.455a 0.298 1.807c 0.264 1.502b 0.310 1.642c 0.258
Self-assessed health measure Increasing in health (−1 to +1) 1.307 0.592 0.439c 0.101 0.434c 0.075 0.328c 0.073 0.588c 0.110
Primary education (1/0) 0.963 0.372 1.163 0.232 1.164 0.176 1.394 0.292 1.065 0.170
Secondary education (1/0) 1.053 0.326 0.871 0.162 1.134 0.149 1.326 0.239 0.799 0.114
Higher secondary education (1/0) 0.655 0.396 1.909b 0.596 2.596c 0.582 3.360c 0.965 1.382 0.350
Log of annual per capita exp. (INR) 2.034c 0.558 1.174 0.228 1.560c 0.203 1.126 0.218 1.212 0.175
Scheduled caste/tribe (1/0) 1.306 0.343 0.996 0.140 0.848 0.090 0.968 0.139 1.144 0.125
Self-employed in non-agriculture (1/0) 1.766 0.896 0.868 0.257 1.308 0.287 0.848 0.268 1.396 0.333
Other employment (1/0) 2.847a 1.651 1.576 0.513 1.370 0.393 2.261b 0.753 1.999b 0.572
Casual wage labourer (1/0) 1.071 0.545 0.726 0.173 1.135 0.201 0.896 0.224 0.972 0.189
Not working (1/0) 1.203 0.543 0.646 0.173 1.152 0.225 0.807 0.221 1.051 0.217
Doing housework (1/0) 1.404 0.557 0.654b 0.136 1.043 0.165 0.994 0.213 1.124 0.189
Students 0.786 0.463 0.513b 0.164 0.870 0.191 0.889 0.259 0.920 0.221
Kanpur Dehat 1.358 0.460 0.247c 0.061 0.491c 0.068 0.841 0.168 1.159 0.179
Pratapgarh 0.695 0.233 0.844 0.141 0.346c 0.042 0.703b 0.126 0.754b 0.103
Chronic lungs/respiratory symptoms (1/0) 2.153a 0.909 0.608b 0.145 1.520b 0.255 0.979 0.231 1.217 0.205
Chronic gastrointestinal symptoms (1/0) 3.616c 1.450 1.326 0.266 1.725c 0.295 0.839 0.205 1.632c 0.272
Chronic allergic symptoms (1/0) 1.321 0.638 0.632a 0.157 1.185 0.219 1.021 0.244 0.701a 0.141
Other chronic symptoms (1/0) 1.924a 0.713 0.602c 0.110 1.616c 0.230 1.264 0.229 0.837 0.122
Chronic symptoms related to Internal organs (1/0) 2.304a 1.006 0.617a 0.163 1.647c 0.308 1.033 0.260 0.819 0.167
Log cost 0.841c 0.030 0.841c 0.030 0.841c 0.030 0.841c 0.030 0.841c 0.030
Log time 1.055 0.044 1.055 0.044 1.055 0.044 1.055 0.044 1.055 0.044
N = 3276

The table provides odds ratios based on a conditional logit model. The reference category is visiting a public provider. Models are estimated over the sample that reported a chronic illness. Sample excludes children below 13 years of age. The employment and occupation variables refer to the employment and occupation of the household head. a, b, c indicate significance at the 10, 5 and 1 % respectively