Figure 6.
Increased ACKR2 protein in diabetic human kidney sections stained with rat monoclonal antibody to human ACKR2. (a) Positive ACKR2 staining in diabetic kidney. Strongest staining in tubules (arrows) especially in a collapsed (arrow) tubule. (b) Minimal staining is seen on a serial section without primary antibody. The arrows indicate the same 2 tubules in images (a) and (b). (c) Sparse ACKR2 staining in a nondiabetic section. (d) At higher magnification granule-like deposits of ACKR2 can be seen in cytoplasm of proximal tubular epithelial cells in diabetic kidney. In the interstitial space ACKR2 staining is also visible in diabetic kidney monocytes (e) and endothelial cells (f). (g) Semiquantitative scoring of ACKR2 staining by a scorer blind to sample identity. Scores for proximal tubule and interstitial cells are higher in diabetic than nondiabetic samples. ∗ p < 0.05 by t-test, n = 9 diabetic and 6 nondiabetic samples.