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. 2016 Jan;9(1):37–49. doi: 10.1177/1756283X15616576

Table 2.

Aims and efficacy results of trial CLIN 1001-004.

Aims Efficacy results
Primary efficacy outcome:
LAMA ratio • Between gluten challenge groups, the 1 mg larazotide acetate treatment arm had the least LAMA ratio changes from baseline; however, this was not statistically significant.
• LAMA ratio was not significantly greater in the gluten challenge arm compared with the gluten-free control group.
• Among patients who received gluten, there were not significant changes between the larazotide acetate treatment groups and the placebo group.
Secondary efficacy outcomes:
Gastrointestinal severity symptoms According to changes in total GSRS and CeD-GSRS score from baseline:
• symptoms were more severe in the gluten challenge groups compared with the gluten-free control group (placebo drug/placebo gluten)
• symptoms were less severe in larazotide acetate treatment arms compared with the gluten challenge control group (placebo drug/gluten)
0.25 and 4 mg larazotide acetate treatment significantly prevented symptom worsening compared with controls.
Quality of life According to changes in the total PGWBI from baseline:
• there was no significant difference between the larazotide acetate treatment arms and the gluten challenge control group
Anti-tTG antibodies • Despite gluten challenges, the anti-tTG antibody titers remained negative (<10 U/ml).
• There was no significant difference between the larazotide acetate treatment arms and the gluten challenge control group.

CeD-GSRS, Celiac Disease Gastrointestinal Rating Symptoms Scale; GSRS, Gastrointestinal Rating Symptoms Scale; LAMA, lactulose to mannitol; PGWBI, Psychological General Well-Being Index; tTG, tissue transglutaminase.