Examination of IRF-1 transcriptional rate in NIH-3T3 and M-11 cells. A, Run-on transcription assays were performed using nuclei isolated from NIH-3T3 fibroblast and M-11 TBCs exposed to 500 U/ml IFN-γ for 0, 3, and 24 h. Plasmids containing the IRF-1 and γ-actin cDNAs were used as probes for the radiolabeled RNA. The plasmid pSP65 was used as a negative control to measure background. Shown in this figure are representative data from three independent preparations of nuclei. B, The results from IRF-1 run-on transcription assay were enumerated by densitometry measurements and analysis by Image J software. The data are represented as a ratio between values obtained for IRF-1 and γ-actin.