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. 2015 Nov 3;3:e1381. doi: 10.7717/peerj.1381

Table 2. List of clusters with significant CBF increases after levodopa administration.

MNI coordinates of the peak voxel are given in mm, as well as the number of voxels in each cluster and FWE p-value. Mean percent CBF changes were calculated from a 5 mm radius sphere centered at the peak voxel.

x, y, z, mm No. voxels FWE p-value label % CBF change
0, −70, 33 2,695 0.016 Cuneus, precuneus 33.4
56, −24, 34 3,046 0.020 SupraMarginal (LA), Frontal_Inf_Oper (LA), Postcentral (LA), Precentral (LA) 26.9
4, −33 −9 544 0.027 Midbrain 73.6
20, −6, −3 1,150 0.029 Pallidum (LA), putamen (LA) 44.0
−60, 11, 9 461 0.030 Frontal_Inf_Oper (MA) 50.6
10, −64, −5 863 0.030 Lingual (LA) 33.0
−48, 8, 39 428 0.031 Precentral (MA) 31.0
−34, −46, 60 314 0.043 Parietal_Inf (MA) 61.1
34, −79, 9 108 0.043 Occipital_Mid (LA) 40.9
−40, −18, 30 146 0.044 Postcentral (MA) 47.1
38, −69, 15 77 0.044 White matter 47.8
−40, −57, −23 108 0.045 Cerebelum_6 (LA) 36.2
40, −27, −6 57 0.045 White matter 32.1
−27, −85, 7 59 0.045 Occipital_Mid (MA) 47.3
−58, −45, 39 77 0.047 Parietal_Inf (MA) 30.1
−8, −28, −14 2 0.048 Midbrain 62.5
38, −39, 6 26 0.049 White matter 85.8
−50, 30, 25 5 0.050 Frontal_Inf_Tri (MA) 41.8


more affected
less affected

Note that left cerebellum was designated as less affected because motor fibers decussate in the medulla oblongata.