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. 2016 Jan 4;11(1):e0145934. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0145934

Table 4. Results of the multiple linear regression analyses.

Word reading Text reading Pseudoword reading
Reading speed Reading comprehension Reading speed Reading comprehension Reading speed Reading comprehension
R2 β r β r R2 β r β r R2 β r β r
Total reading time .216 -.537 -.461 .098 -.319 .492** -.699* -.701 -.003 -.546 .246+ -.433 -.494 -.078 -.415
First fixation duration .202 -.650+ -.115 .689+ .184 .330* -.834* -.511 .415 -.233 .105 -.496 -.265 .297 -.089
Average fixation duration .141 -.471 -.008 .596 .231 .222+ -.697* -.410 .370 -.172 .091 -.480 -.211 .346 -.028
Gaze duration .262+ -.708* -.477 .298 -.252 .535*** -.917** -.712 .264 -.449 .306* -.540 -.553 -.017 -.438
Number of fixations per word .335* -.412 -.565 -.198 -.518 .528*** -.581* -.718 -.176 -.628 .260+ -.281 -.483 -.259 -.478
Total number of saccades .274+ -.391 -.514 -.158 -.461 .531*** -.500+ -.709 -.268 -.657 .165 -.303 -.398 -.123 -.359
Total number of regressions .074 -.303 -.271 .040 -.194 .015 -.185 -.041 .185 .041 .035 -.174 -.186 -.016 -.152
Percentage of regressions1 .040 .254 -.007 -.330 -.128 .087 .429 .267 -.205 .136 .068 .364 .024 -.428 -.138
Mean saccadic amplitude .529** .755** .727 -.036 .550 .653*** .735** .806 .092 .663 .318* .534 .563 .038 .454

Squared multiple correlations (R2), beta weights (β) and zero-order correlation coefficients (r) for total reading times, and eight eye movement parameters for word reading, text reading and pseudoword reading.

Key: 1 = Participant 10 was excluded due to a highly increased mean (more than 3 standard deviations above the sample’s mean).

***p < .001

**p < .01

*p < .05

+p < .10