Figure 7.
Effect of abiotic stress on R. solani AG3 vitamin B6 genes. Regulation of RsolPDX1 (A–C), RsolPDX2 (D–F), and RsolPLR (G–I) transcripts when grown in PDB amended with paraquat (4 mM) (A,D,G), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) (5 mM) (B,E,H) or phenylacetic acid (PAA) (7.5 mM) (C,F,I). The relative transcript abundance of gene expression was normalized with appropriate housekeeping genes (G3PDH for paraquat and H2O2; Histone and Tubulin for PAA). C, control; R. solani grown without stress inducers. T, treatment with stress inducer. Asterisk indicates significant relative transcript abundance between the control and interaction at each time point using Least Significant Difference test (P < 0.05). Bars represent the average relative transcript abundance of three biological replicates ± standard deviation. Dotted line represents fold change which was calculated by normalization of treatment samples with appropriate controls at each corresponding time point.