Table 3.
Databases to be used in the systematic review
Database | Details |
AMED | Allied and Complimentary Medicines Database, with a focus on complimentary medicine, palliative care, and professions allied to medicine |
ASSIA | Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts; includes literature from psychology, sociology, medicine, anthropology, politics, and law |
CENTRAL | Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials; summary details of published and unpublished trials |
CINAHL | Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature. Includes over 2.6 million records dating back to 1981; books and dissertations also included |
EMBASE | Excerpta Medica Database covers biomedical and pharmacological literature |
ERIC | Education Resources Information Center (ERIC); described as the world’s largest database of educational literature |
HMIC | The Health Management Information Consortium; brings together the bibliographic databases of two UK health and social care management systems: the Dept of Health’s library and information services and King’s Fund information and library services. Includes grey literature |
MEDLINE | Covers health-related journals worldwide, focusing on evidence/research based work; includes in-process and non-indexed items |
PsycINFO | Abstract database providing systematic coverage of psychological literature as far back as the 1800s |
PubMed | Includes Medline, plus a comprehensive and broad-ranging selection of health-related journals and books |
Discovery | University of Edinburgh accumulated databases and resources |