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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2016 Jan 5.
Published in final edited form as: Am J Psychiatry. 2012 May;169(5):515–522. doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2011.11060855


Demographic, Behavioral, and Self-report Variables in a Study of the Association Between Mineralocorticoid receptor Genotype, Childhood Neglect, and Amygdala reactivitya

Iso/Iso Homozy-
gotes (N=193)
Val Carriers (N=86) Analysis Total Sample
Variable N % N % χ 2 df p N %

Sex (female) 95 49.22 45 52.32 0.23 1 0.63 140 50.18
 Caucasian 114 59.07 44 51.16 1.51 1 0.22 158 56.63
 Hispanic 65 33.68 38 44.19 2.82 1 0.09 103 36.92
 Other 14 7.25 4 4.65 0.67 1 0.41 18 6.45

Mean SD Mean SD t df p Mean SD

Age (years) 13.64 0.99 13.48 0.98 1.29 277 0.20 13.59 0.99
Pubertal status (Tanner stage) 3.56 1.00 3.36 0.96 1.55 277 0.12 3.50 0.99
Childhood Trauma Questionnaire scores
 Emotional neglect 8.40 3.67 7.77 2.76 1.44 277 0.15 8.21 3.43
 Emotional abuse 7.60 3.17 6.99 2.41 1.60 277 0.11 7.41 2.96
 Physical neglect 6.19 1.76 6.14 1.68 0.21 277 0.84 6.17 1.73
 Physical abuse 6.30 1.94 6.10 1.73 0.79 277 0.43 6.24 1.88
 Sexual abuse 5.13 0.63 5.20 0.73 0.79 277 0.43 5.15 0.66
Face matching accuracy (%) 98.82 5.02 99.28 2.70 0.78 255 0.44 0.99 0.04
Face matching reaction time (ms) 1,369 313 1,387 263 0.44 255 0.66 1,374 298
Shape matching accuracy (%) 97.01 7.54 98.19 4.47 1.31 255 0.19 0.97 0.07
Shape matching reaction time (ms) 1,223 249 1,239 216 0.49 255 0.63 1,228 239

Test statistics represent results from comparisons between iso homozygotes and val carriers. Behavioral data were available only for 257 participants because of technical difficulties with the equipment used to collect behavioral responses during fMRI.