A: Frequency of Il17a and IFNγ expression in
Foxp3−CD4+ Tconv cells from
Foxp3-cre x Rorcfl/fl mice and control
Foxp3-cre x Rorc+/+ littermates at steady
state; p=0.0002 and p=0.0041, paired Student's t test . Each point is an
individual mouse. Data representative of ≥ 3 independent experiments.
B/C: Colitis score (B) and histology (C) of
Foxp3-cre x Rorcfl/fl mice and control
Foxp3-cre x Rorc+/+ littermates challenged
with TNBS, calculated based on weight loss, histologic score and other physical
parameters; p=0.001 as determined by paired Student's t test . Each point is an
individual mouse. Data representative of >3 independent experiments.
D: Correlation between TNBS-colitis score (x-axis) with
frequency of Rorγ+Helios− within colonic
Tregs in GF mice monocolonized for 2 weeks with bacteria that elicit different
levels of Rorγ+Helios− Tregs prior to TNBS
colitis induction. Pearson r= 0.82, p<0.0001. Each point is an individual
mouse. Data pooled from 4 experiments.