Fig. 5.
Regulation of Rap60 by synthetic Phr60 peptides. Reporter strain KB23 containing PsrfA-lacZ and Pspank-rap60 was grown with 0.1 mM IPTG in the presence of synthetic peptides corresponding to the carboxyl terminal penta- (SRNAT) and hexapeptides (ASRNAT) of Pro-Phr60. Peptides containing an alanine substitution in the conserved arginine of Phr60 ((A)SANAT) served as controls. Strain KB58 containing PsrfA-lacZ and Pspank-rap60 with an Opp (spo0KA) deletion was used to determine the effects of Opp and synthetic peptides on Rap60 activity. The maximal activity of each culture (typically around OD600 ~1–2) was normalized to strain KB22 containing Pspank empty vector. Experiments were performed in triplicate and the percent standard error is shown. Asterisks represent P-values < 0.01.