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. 2016 Jan 5;11(1):e0144600. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0144600

Table 2. A list of bird species fatally striking the windows at CAS.

Probability of n strikes is the cumulative binomial probability of n strikes, which indicates if birds are over-represented in window strike data (P<0.05) or under-represented (P>0.95). Some birds that did not fatally strike were included if they were very common in area surveys, and they were significantly under-represented in the strike data (P>0.95). Four species of birds struck the windows, but were never fatally injured (Buteo jamaicensis, Accipiter cooperii, Charadrius vociferus, and Troglodytes pacificus.) See supplemental materials for more information.

Species Number of fatal strikes (n) Probability of n strikes
Calypte costae 1 <0.001
Passerculus sandwichensis 2 <0.001
Geothlypis trichas 3 <0.001
Selasphorus sasin 37 <0.001
Selasphorus rufus 4 <0.001
Calypte anna 131 <0.001
Zenaida macroura 6 <0.001
Setophaga petechia 7 <0.001
Catharus ustulatus 1 0.001
Melospiza lincolnii 6 0.002
Cardellina pusilla 3 0.002
Catharus guttatus 8 0.020
Empidonax difficilis 1 0.025
Vireo gilvus 1 0.025
Setophaga coronata 7 0.083
Sayornis nigricans 3 0.086
Columba livia 1 0.166
Oreothlypis celata 2 0.169
Molothrus ater 1 0.567
Passerella iliaca 6 0.590
Spinus psaltria 1 0.632
Junco hyemalis 22 0.680
Certhia americana 1 0.721
Setophaga townsendi 3 0.726
Melozone crissalis 1 0.939
Haemorhous mexicanus 5 0.949
Sturnus vulgaris 1 0.960
Haemorhous purpureus 0 0.960
Bombycilla cedrorum 0 0.973
Zonotrichia atricapilla 3 0.996
Regulus calendula 0 0.999
Spinus pinus 0 0.999
Poecile rufescens 1 >0.999
Sitta pygmaea 1 >0.999
Zonotrichia leucophrys 1 >0.999
Turdus migratorius 3 >0.999
Agelaius phoeniceus 1 >0.999
Euphagus cyanocephalus 25 >0.999
Melospiza melodia 5 >0.999
Aphelocoma californica 0 >0.999
Psaltriparus minimus 1 >0.999
Unknown species 2