Figure 10. Fas signaling controls T cell differentiation and influences adoptive immunotherapy efficacy.
(A) Tumor regression and (B) animal survival of mice bearing 10-day established s.c. B16 melanomas treated with 2.5 × 105 TN-derived pmel-1 cells primed alone, with lz-FasL (50 ng/ml), or with TMem in the presence of αFasL or IgG control. Viable cells were isolated using a density separation media before infusion. All treated mice received 6 Gy irradiation prior to cell infusion in addition to i.v. rVV-gp100 and 3 days of i.p. IL-2. Tumor treatment experiments performed with n = 5 mice/group. TMix, TN cells primed with TMem cells in a 1:1 mixture. (C) Engraftment efficiency of Thy1.1+ TN-derived pmel-1 cells (3 × 105) primed alone or with lz-FasL 18 hours following i.v. adoptive transfer into nonirradiated Ly5.2+ hosts; n = 5 mice/group. (D) Correlation between the slope of tumor growth and CD62L expression at the time of cell transfer on TN-derived pmel-1 cells primed alone with either lz-FasL (50 ng/ml), vehicle control, or with TMem and either αFasL or IgG. Pooled results from 2 independently performed experiments displayed using n = 4–10 mice per condition. Statistical comparisons performed using an unpaired 2-tailed Student’s t test or log-rank test for animal survival. *P < 0.05. Data shown are representative of 2 independent experiments with results displayed as mean ± SEM.