Table 3. Literature information concerning cephalopod prey species recovered in stomach contents of K. sima and K. breviceps stranded along the Brazilian coast.
Family of prey species | Prey species | K. sima | K. breviceps | References |
Sepiolidae | Semirossia tenera | Y | - | [23] |
Heteroteuthis dispar | Y | Y | [23] | |
Heteroteuthis atlantis | Y | Y | [23,68] | |
Lycoteuthidae | Lycoteuthis lorigera | Y | Y | [23] |
Lycoteuthis diadema | - | Y | [69] | |
Enoploteuthidae | Abralia redfieldi | Y | - | [23] |
Abralia veranyi | - | Y | [24] | |
Abralia sp. | - | Y | [TS] | |
Enoploteuthis sp. | - | Y | [69, TS] | |
Octopoteuthidae | Octopoteuthis sp. | Y | Y | [30,70,71, TS] |
Onychoteuthidae | Moroteuthis ingens | Y | - | [23] |
Moroteuthis robsoni | Y | Y | [23] | |
Onychoteuthis banksii | - | Y | [70] | |
Histiotheuthidae | Histioteuthis corona corona | - | Y | [TS] |
Histioteuthis macrohista | - | Y | [TS] | |
Histioteeuthis spp. | Y | Y | [30,67,70,71, TS] | |
Ommastrephidae | Illex argentinus | Y | Y | [30,68,71, TS] |
Ornithoteuthis antillarum | Y | Y | [30, TS] | |
Ommastrephes bartramii | - | Y | [71] | |
Chiroteuthidae | Chiroteuthis veranyi | Y | Y | [23,71,72] |
Chiroteuthis sp. | Y | Y | [TS] | |
Cranchiidae | Unknown | Y | - | [23] |
Megalocranchia maxima | - | Y | [TS] | |
Liocranchia reinhardti | - | Y | [24] | |
Taonius sp. | - | Y | [TS] | |
Bolitaenidae | Japetella diaphana | Y | - | [23,72] |
Mastigoteuthidae | Mastigoteuthis sp. | - | Y | [70] |
Alloposidae | Haliphron atlanticus | - | Y | [24] |
Neoteuthidae | Neoteuthis thielei | - | Y | [70] |
Ancistrocheiridae | Ancistrocheirus lesueurii | - | Y | [TS] |
TS = This Study; Y = Yes.