TIGAR expression is regulated by ROS. (A) MDA staining of small intestines from wild-type (WT), Ahcre+Apcfl/fl, and Ahcre+Apcfl/flMycfl/fl 3 d after cre induction. (B) mRNA expression of TIGAR, cyclin D1, HO-1, and p21 from normal wild-type intestinal crypt cultures after 24 h of the indicated ROS treatments. (*) P < 0.05 compared with untreated. n = 3. (C) mRNA expression of TIGAR, cyclin D1, and HO-1 from Apcmin/+ organoid cultures after 24 h of the indicated ROS treatments. (*) P < 0.05 compared with untreated. n = 3. (D) mRNA expression of TIGAR, cyclin D1, and HO-1 from Apcmin/+ organoid cultures after 24 h of the indicated anti-ROS treatments. Bars, 100 µm.