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. 2015 Nov 6;36(6):E1–E150. doi: 10.1210/er.2015-1010

Table 3.

Effects of EDCs on Diabetes Mellitus and Obesity

EDC Animal Sex Exposure Period Dosage, Route Age at Analysis Obesogenic/Diabetogenic Endpoints Ref
BPA Wistar rats M/F E0, P21 50, 250, 1250 μg/kg/d, oral, gavage 13–26 wk Obesogenic; diabetogenic; exacerbates obesogenic and diabetogenic action of HFD; nonmonotonic Body weight, glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, plasma insulin, β-cell mass, β-cell mRNA expression, lipid homeostasis 139
BPA S-D rats M/F E6–P21 1 mg/L in drinking water P21 Obesogenic Body weight, fat weight, mRNA expression 241
BPA CF-1 mice M/F E11–17 2.4 μg/kg/d, oral, food P0, P22, and P26 Obesogenic Body weight at weaning, age at vaginal opening, and interval between vaginal opening and first vaginal estrus 237
BPA S-D rats M/F 10-wk prebreeding exposure, mating, and E0–P21 50 and 500 mg/kg/d, dietary concentrations F0 to F3 generations Weight reduction in all generations Body weight 250
BPA Long-Evans rats M E12–P21, P21–P90 2.4 μg/kg/d, oral, dissolved in corn oil 90 d Obesogenic in offspring, no increase in weight in adults Body weight 236
BPA ICR/Jcl mice M/F E0–P21 20 μg/kg/d, sc injection P21, 10 wk No change in weight Body weight 248
BPA Wistar rats M Gestation and lactation 50 μg/kg/d, oral gavage 3 wk Diabetogen Weight, serum insulin, insulin resistance, DNA methylation, hepatic glucokinase expression 310
BPA C57BL/6 mice M Acute administration, adulthood 50 μg/kg, oral, water 6 mo Possible diabetogenic Hepatic glucokinase activity 307
BPA C57BL/6J mice M/F E1 lactation 0, 3, 10, 30, 100, 300, 3000 μg/kg/d, oral, food 23 wk Decreased weight in females, sex-dependent small alterations in energy homeostasis Body weight, organ weight, hormones in plasma, glucose tolerance, locomotor activity, histopathology 249
BPA CD-1 mice M E8–P16 0.025, 0.25, 25 μg/kg/d, osmotic pumps P2 and P21 Possible diabetogen Global metabolism by metabolomics 309
BPA CD-1 mice M 28 d, adulthood 0, 5, 50, 500, 5000 μg/kg/d, oral, food contamination 10 wk Possible diabetogen and obesogen Hepatic transcriptome, liver triglyceride accumulation 306
BPA OF-1 mice M/F E9–E16 10, 100 μg/kg/d, sc injection Mothers at E16–E18 and 4 mo after delivery, offspring at 3 and 6 mo old Diabetogenic in mothers and offspring; obesogenic in mothers Glucose tolerance; insulin sensitivity; insulin, leptin, triglycerides and glycerol plasma levels; pancreatic β-cell function; changes in body weight; measurement of η-cell mass and proliferation 138
BPA OF-1 mice M 4 d, adulthood 10, 100 μg/kg/d, sc injection 8–12 wk, adulthood Diabetogenic Insulin sensitivity, glucose tolerance, plasma insulin and glucose levels, pancreatic β-cell function 172
BPA OF1 mice M 8 d, adulthood 100 μg/kg/d, sc injection 8–12 wk Diabetogenic Global metabolism, glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, plasma insulin, insulin secretion, Akt phosphorylation in skeletal muscle and liver 244
BPA, DEHP, DBP Harlan S-D rats M/F E8–E14 Mix of 50 BPA, 750 DEHP, and 66 DBP mg/kg/d, ip injection F1 generation, F3 generation Obesogenic in F3 generation Body weight, abdominal adiposity 262
BPA, DES CD-1 mice M/F E9–E18 5, 50, 500, 5000, 50 000 μg/kg/d BPA, or 0.1 μg/kg/d DES, oral 3–19 wk Obesogenic, diabetogenic, nonmonotonic Body weight, fat weight, glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, plasma insulin, plasma leptin, plasma adiponectin 140
BPA, DES CD-1 mice M/F E0 to weaning 1 μg/kg/d DES, 0.25 μg/kg/d BPA, oral, feeding P21–P15 wk No increase in weight Body weight, length, and fat and lean composition; food intake; glucose tolerance test 246
BPA, EE C57/Bl-6 mice M/F E3–P21 2 and 200 μg/kg/d BPA, 5 μg/kg/d EE, oral, gavage P21 No increase in weight Body weight, anxiety 247
BPA, estrone S-D rats M/F E6 throughout lactation 0.1 mg/kg/d BPA, 1.2 mg/kg/d estrone, oral, drinking water 4 d to 4–6 mo Obesogenic Analysis of body weight, pattern of estrous cyclicity, and uterotrophic assay 240
BPA, EQ, EB, DPN, PPT Long-Evans rats M P0–P3 50 μg EB, 1 mg/kg; PPT, 1 mg/kg; DPN, 10 mg/kg; EQ, 50 μg/kg; BPA, sc injection P68 Obesogenic Body weight 239
BPA HFD ICR mice M/F E13–E16 0.2 and 3 mg/kg/d, oral, drinking water 1 mo Obesogenic Body weight, fat weight, serum leptin and lipids 238
BPA HFD OF-1 mice M E9–E16 10 μg/kg/d, sc injection 17–28 wk Obesogenic, diabetogenic Body weight, fat weight, glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, plasma insulin, insulin secretion, mRNA expression 242
DDT C57BL/6J mice F E11.5–P5 1.7 mg/kg body weight Up to 6 mo Obesogenic, diabetogenic Body composition, energy homeostasis, metabolic parameters, glucose tolerance. Energy balance, metabolic consequences of HFD 259
BPA, TCDD, PCB-153, DEHP C57BL/6J mice M/F Before gestation, during gestation, lactation, combined with standard diet and HFD Tolerable daily intake of each component of the mixture, oral in pellets 10–12 wk Diabetogen Weight, hepatic gene expression, plasma leptin, insulin and cholesterol, glucose and insulin tolerance 313
DEHP Wistar rats M/F Gestation and lactation 1.25, 6.25 mg/kg/d, oral gavage 3, 15, 26 wk Diabetogenic Weight, glucose and insulin tolerance, β-cell mass and function 312
DES CD-1 mice M/F P1–P5 1 μg/kg/d, 1 mg/kg/d, sc injections 2, 6 mo Obesogenic Analysis of body weight and fat pads; serum levels of leptin, adiponectin, IL-6, insulin, and triglycerides 1277
DES C57BL/6J M/F E12–P7 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1 mg/kg/d, oral, gavage 8 wk Obesogenic Body weight, fat weight, cholesterol, triglycerols, glucose 1278
DDT Harlan S-D rats M/F E8–E14 50, 25 mg/kg/d, ip injection 10 mo, F1 generation, F3 generation Obesogenic in F3 generation Body weight, abdominal adiposity 263
FM 550 Wistar rats F E8–P21 100, 1000 μg/d, oral, in pellets 21 d, 17 wk Obesogenic, cardiovascular disruptor Serum T4, hepatic carboxylesterase activity, body weight, glucose tolerance, heart wall thickness 565
MEHP C57BL/6J mice M/F E12–P7 0.5, 0.25, 0.05 mg/kg/d, oral, gavage 60 d Obesogenic, diabetogenic, nonmonotonic Weight, fat weight, blood glucose, cholesterol, triacylglycerols, mRNA expression adipogenic genes 142
PCB-126 Wistar rats M E7–P21 100 mg/kg/d, oral, food 20 mo Obesogenic Neurobehavior, body weight 256
PCB-153 C57BL/6J mice M 12 wk, adulthood 50 mg/kg × 4, ip injection 12 wk Exacerbates obesogenic action of HFD Body weight 1279
PFOA CD-1 mice F E1–E17 0, 0.01, 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, 5 mg/kg/d, oral, gavage 15–16 wk, 42, wk, 70–74 wk Obesogenic; nonmonotonic Body weight, serum, insulin, leptin, fat weight 141
PFOA CD-1 mice F 17 d, adulthood 1 mg/kg/d, oral, gavage 10 wk No change in weight Body weight 141
PFOS CD-1 mice M/F Gestation and lactation 0, 0.3, 3 mg/kg, oral gavage P21 and P63 Diabetogenic Fasting glucose and insulin levels, glucose tolerance 304
PFOS CD-1 mice M 3, 7, 14, 21 d, adulthood 0, 1, 5, 10 mg/kg/d, oral gavage 8–12 wk Hepatic steatosis, possible diabetogenic Histology of liver, hepatic liver metabolism 304
POPs CB57BL/6J M Adulthood Different diets with farmed salmon fillets, with different POP concentrations, oral, food Adulthood Diabetogenic; obesogenic Insulin and glucose tolerance, fat distribution, mRNA levels of target genes 303
POPs, PCDDs, PCDFs, non-ortho-PCBs, mono-ortho- substituted PCBs, organochlorine pesticides S-D rats M 28 d, adulthood Organochlorine pesticides, 0.36–2.63 ng/g diet; DDTs, 0.13–3.57 ng/g diet; PCDDs, 0.11–1 pg/g diet; PCDFs, 0.32–0.99 pg/g diet; non-ortho-substituted PCBs, 0.83–23.7 pg/g diet; mono-ortho-substituted PCBs, 4.30–1314.35 pg/g diet; PCBs, 0.07–2.35 ng/g diet, oral, food Adulthood Diabetogenic; obesogenic Insulin sensitivity, hepatic lipid homeostasis and mRNA levels of target genes, glucose uptake, daily energy intake, quantification of body weight and visceral fat 285
TBT KM mice M From puberty once every 3 d over 45 d 0.5, 5, 50 μg/kg/d, oral, gavage 45 d after treatment, adulthood Obesogenic Body weight; fat mass; plasma insulin, leptin, adiponectin, and resistin levels; histological liver changes; levels of hepatic adiponectin and resistin 1280
TBT C57BL/6J mice M/F E12–E18 0.05–0.5 mg/kg/d, ip injection P1–P10 wk Obesogenic Changes of body weight, changes of adiposity in liver, testis and inguinal adipose and mammary adipose depots, quantitative analysis RXR:PPARγ target genes 184
TBT TBBPA Swiss mice NS Single dose 40 mg/kg, 2.1 g/kg, oral gavage, sc injection 1 d Possible metabolic disruptor T3-independent transcription of Mc4r and Trh transcription 252
TBT TBBPA Swiss mice NS E6 to delivery, for 7 d from E12 0.5 mg/kg/d 150 mg/kg/d, oral gavage 2 d Possible metabolic disruptor T3-independent transcription of Mc4r and Trh transcription 252
TBT, ROSI C57BL/6J mice M/F E16 0.1 mg/kg TBT, 1 mg/kg ROSI, oral, gavage 8 wk Obesogenic Effects of TBT on stem cell proliferation, adipose, bone and cartilage differentiation 251
TCDD C57BL/6J mice M Single dose, 4 wk old 100 μg/kg/d, oral, gavage 4–5 wk Possible metabolic disruptor Changes in body weight, analysis of intestinal disaccharide activity, gene and protein expression of intestinal glucose transporters, glucose tolerance test 1281
TCDD Short-hair guinea pig M Single injection, 4–6 wk old 0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1.0 μg/kg/d, ip injection 0.25, 0.5, 1, 5, 10 and 28 d after single injection Possible diabetogenic Measurement of glucose uptake in pancreas, adipose tissue, liver and brain 168
TCDD S-D rats M Single injection 25, 125 μg/kg/d, ip injection 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 28 d after 125 μg/kg dose, 32 after 25 μg/kg dose Possible metabolic disruptor Changes in body weight, measurement of liver PEPCK and E-6-Pase activity, mean time to death 1282
TCDD S-D rats M Single injection 1 μg/kg/d, ip injection 24 h after single injection Diabetogenic Pancreatic insulin content and release, pancreatic glucose uptake and protein levels of GLUT-2, plasma insulin, triglycerides, free fatty acids, and leptin levels 286
TCDD C57BL/6J mice M Single injection, 8 wk old 10 μg/kg/d, ip injection 8 wk, adulthood Diabetogenic Glucose tolerance test, pancreatic insulin release 287

Abbreviations: DPN, diarylpropionitrile; EB, estradiol benzoate; EE, ethinyl estradiol; EQ, equol; F, female; FM, Firemaster; HFD, high-fat diet; ip, intraperitoneal; M, male; PEPCK, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase; PPT, propyl pyrazole; ROSI, rosiglitazone; sc, subcutaneous; S-D, Sprague-Dawley.