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. 2015 Nov 6;36(6):E1–E150. doi: 10.1210/er.2015-1010

Table 5.

Effects of EDCs Observed in Reproductive System of Male Animals

EDC Observation Ref.
Alkyl phenol ethoxylates (p-tert-octylphenol, p-nonylphenol) Reduction in testis weight, decreased seminiferous tubule diameter 1283
Increased testis weight, reduction in epithelial height of the efferent ducts 1284
Decreased testis weight 1283, 1285
Decreased epididymal weight, decreased total cauda epididymal sperm count 1285
BPA Reduced sperm count 110
DDE Nipple retention 1262, 1286, 1287
Hypospadias 1286
Reduced accessory sex organ weights 1262, 1286, 1288
Reduced AGD 1262, 1287
Delayed preputial separation 1262
Abnormally small penis, poorly organized testis, decreased plasma testosterone levels 1289
DES Sterility, epididymal cysts, cryptorchidism, testicular lesions, inflammatory disease of the accessory sex glands, reduction in the number of spermatogonia with multinucleate cells in lumina of testis, nodular enlargements of the seminal vesicles and/or prostate 1290
Reduction in testis weight 1284, 1291, 1292
Distension and overgrowth of the rete testis 1284, 1292, 1293
Distension and reduction in epithelial height of the efferent ducts 1284
Underdevelopment of the epididymal duct epithelium, convolution of the extra-epididymal vas; decreased AR expression in testis, epithelium of the rete testis, caput and cauda epididymis, and vas deferens 1292
Reduction in epithelial height in the vas deferens 1292, 1293
Decreased testosterone levels 1293, 1294
Increased gonadotropin levels, increased pubertal FSH levels 1294
Decreased pituitary response to GnRH 1295
Dicarboximide fungicides (vinclozolin, procymidone, prochloraz) Hypospadias 1286, 1288, 1296, 1297
Cleft phallus 1288, 1296
Reduced AGD 734, 981, 1286, 12961299
Decreased testis weight 1297, 1298
Cryptorchidism 1296, 1297, 1300
Increased number of apoptotic germ cells in testis, reduced elongated spermatid content per testis 981
Nipple retention 1286, 1296, 1299, 1300
Reduced accessory sex organ weights 981, 1286, 1296, 1298, 1300
Glandular atrophy and chronic inflammation of prostate 981, 1297, 1300
Reduced secretion and chronic inflammation of seminal vesicles, chronic inflammation of epididymis, spermatogenic granuloma 1297
Epididymal granulomas 1296, 1300
Agenesis of prostate, decreased fertility, decreased testosterone levels 1296
Decreased sperm number and daily sperm production 1286, 1296, 1298
Increased sperm head abnormalities 1298
Low ejaculated sperm count 1286
Abnormal morphology of seminiferous tubules 1296, 1298
Reduction of erections during the ex copula penile reflex test, increase in seminal emissions during the ex copula penile reflex tests 1301
Dioxins Reduced accessory sex organ weights 808, 13021304
Decreased testis weight, altered sex behavior, decreased daily sperm production, dose-related tendency for decreased plasma testosterone and DHT 1302
Reduced AGD 808, 13021304
Epididymal malformations 808, 1304
Decreased sperm numbers 808, 1302, 1304
Herbicides (linuron) Nipple retention 1160, 1286, 1305
Reduced accessory sex organ weights, delayed preputial separation, decreased testis weight, reduced spermatid number, decreased AGD 1286
Decreased AGD 1160, 1286, 1305
Epispadias 1286
Testicular and epididymal malformations 1286
Delayed preputial separation 1306
Decreased weight of ventral prostate 1306
Decreased testosterone level 735
Reduced sperm count 735
Paracetamol Decreased AGD 744
PCBs 77, 118, 126, 132 Reduced accessory sex organ weights 1286, 1307, 1308
Decreased testis weight 1286, 1308
Increased testis weight, increased epididymis weight, reduced AGD, increased daily sperm production, altered sex behavior 1307
Increased AGD, increased number of abnormal sperm 1308
Delay in onset of spermatogenesis, preputial separation, and sex accessory growth 1286
Decreased sperm number and total motile sperm count 1286, 1308
Phthalate esters (DEHP, BBP, DINP, DBP) Nipple retention 1286, 13091313
Decreased testis weight 718, 1300, 13111315
Reduced AGD 718, 1286, 13091313
Cryptorchidism 718, 1286, 13111313, 1315
Reduced accessory sex organ weights 1286, 1309, 13111313, 1315
Lesion of the rete testis 1309
Hemorrhagic testis 1286, 1311
Cleft phallus and hypospadias 1286, 1309, 13111313
Multinucleated gonocytes, agenesis of bulbourethral glands and gubernacular cords 1311
Agenesis of the seminal vesicles and coagulating glands 1311, 1313
Agenesis of epididymis and vas deferens 1286, 1312, 1313
Histopathological changes of testis 718, 1309, 13121315
Delayed preputial separation 1286, 1312
Reduced fertility and fecundity 1286
Reduced daily sperm production, increased serum testosterone levels 1315
Reduced testicular testosterone levels 1310, 1314
Reduced serum inhibin B levels, increased plasma LH levels 1310
Tributyltin Increased AGD 1316
Reduced number of Sertoli cells and gonocytes in fetal testis 1317

Abbreviation: DHT, dihydrotestosterone. [Updated from J. Toppari et al: Endocrine Disrupters and Child Health. Possible Developmental Early Effects of Endocrine Disrupters on Child Health. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 2012 (1318), with permission.]