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. 2015 Nov 6;36(6):E1–E150. doi: 10.1210/er.2015-1010

Table 8.

Developmental EDC Effects on GnRH-Gonadotropin and Kisspeptin Systems in Vivo

EDC Animal Sex Exposure Period Dosage, Route Age at Analysis Endpoint(s) GnRH/LH Effect Kisspeptin Effect Ref.
BPA, MXC Sheep F E30–E90 (full term is 147 d) 5 mg/kg/d via daily sc injections to ewe Adulthood, ∼21 mo GnRH mRNA in anterior hypothalamus and POA GnRH mRNA was decreased by both MXC and BPA 1117
BPA, MXC Sheep F E30–E90 (full term is 147 d) 5 mg/kg/d via daily sc injections to ewe OVX at 21 mo of age LH response to steroid feedback and to GnRH challenge LH and FSH response to steroid negative feedback and LH response to positive feedback were unaffected by the EDCs. GnRH-induced LH release was similarly unaffected Inline graphic 1156
EDC mix from sewage sludge Sheep Both sexes combined E0–E110 Sewage sludge was applied to pastures; control pastures received conventional inorganic fertilizer Ewes and fetuses were euthanized at E110. Kiss1, Kiss1r, Esr1 mRNA in rostral, medial and caudal hypothalamus; colocalization of kisspeptin and LHβ and ERα in the pituitary gland by dual IHC Numbers of LHβ cells, and those co-expressing ERα in pituitary, were decreased in the sewage sludge group . Kiss1 was significantly decreased ↓ through the hypothalamus and in the pituitary of sewage-sludge exposed fetuses. Kiss1r (GPR54), and Esr1 mRNA were unaffected in hypothalamus and pituitary Inline graphic. Numbers of kisspeptin cells, double-labeled kisspeptin/LHβ cells, and double-labeled kisspeptin/ERα cells, were decreased in the sewage sludge fetuses 1158
PCBs Sheep F E0 to birth Ewes were gavaged 3 × weekly with PCB153 (98 μg/kg/d or PCB118 (49 μg/kg/d Lambs GnRH-induced LH and FSH release Basal LH and FSH concentrations did not differ among groups Inline graphic. The PCB153 group had significantly greater GnRH-induced LH release, and slightly but not significantly higher FSH release . No effect of PCB 118 was found for this endpoint Inline graphic 419
BPA Mouse (C57BL/6J) M E15–P21 Gavage of dams 50 μg or 5 mg/kg/d 8 wk Kisspeptin immunolabeling in the MPOA and AVPV Kisspeptin immunoreactive neuron numbers were unaffected by BPA Inline graphic 1110
BPA Mouse (C57bl/6J) F E15–P21 0.05 or 5 mg/kg/d by gavage to dam 8 wk (young adult) GnRH, kisspeptin, and ERα immunolabeling Numbers of GnRH immunoreactive neurons and the percentage of those with kisspeptin apposition were unchanged by BPA Inline graphic Numbers of kisspeptin neurons were unchanged in AVPV and caudal periventricular nucleus Inline graphic, and increased in rostral periventricular nucleus ↑ 1115
BPA Rat (Wistar) F P1–P7 0.05 or 20 mg/kg, sc P100, OVX + estradiol to induce the GnRH/LH surge Gnrh1 mRNA and primary transcript; serum LH; ERα protein by IHC in AVPV and ARC Gnrh1 mRNA was increased by the low-dose BPA↑. GnRH primary transcript (presence of intron A) was decreased by both BPA dosages . Serum LH was decreased by high-dose BPA 572
BPA Rat (Long-Evans) F/M P0–P3 50 μg or 50 mg/kg/d Adults (P148 or older), females OVX and hormone primed with estradiol + progesterone. Males were intact Kisspeptin fiber density in the AVPV and ARC Hormone priming in females reduced kisspeptin fiber density in AVPV, but not in BPA females . In the ARC, hormones reduced kisspeptin immunoreactivity, but not in the low-dose BPA group . No effect in males Inline graphic 1154
BPA Rat (Long-Evans) F/M P0–P3 50 μg or 50 mg/kg/d Adults (P148 or older). Females were OVX and hormone primed with estradiol + progesterone GnRH-Fos double labeling by IHC, and number of GnRH neurons Number of GnRH neurons was unaffected; % of GnRH neurons that co-expressed Fos was unaffected Inline graphic 545
BPA Rat (GnRH-GFP transgenic Wistar) F/M P0–P3 50 μg or 50 mg/kg/d Female (P17, P21, P24, P28, P33); male (P21, P33) GnRH was detectable by GFP labeling. Kisspeptin and RFRP3 were detected by IHC Kisspeptin appositions on GnRH neurons were unaffected by BPA Inline graphic. Appositions of RFRP3 on GnRH neurons were decreased in the low-BPA females In AVPV, kisspeptin fiber density was unaffected by BPA Inline graphic. In ARC, in P33 females, the high-BPA exposure group had decreased kisspeptin , similar to that in males. RFRP3 fiber density was decreased by low-dose BPA in the females at P28 and P33 ↓ 1155
BPA Mouse (CD-1) M/F E1 to P20 to dams. Some pups continued gavage from P21 to 49 12, 25, or 50 mg/kg/d to dames via gavage P50 (females on proestrus) GnRH, Kisspeptin, GPR54 (hypothalamus); and pituitary mRNAs (including LHβ, FSHβ, and others) Gnrh1: increased in both sexes . Pituitary LH was unaffected Inline graphic; FSH was increased in both sexes . TSH, GH, PRL were unaffected Inline graphic Kiss1 was increased in both sexes . Kiss1r was unaffected Inline graphic 434
BPA Rat (S-D) M/F E10 to P7 2 μg/kg/d sc to dam Male at P30, P50, P90. Males from BPA dams, and males and females from vehicle dams, were also gonadectomized and given estradiol for up to 7 d. Intact rats were also used Number of kisspeptin immunoreactive cells in the AVPV. Number of GnRH cells in the POA BPA slightly but significantly increased GnRH+ cells in the male POA . When the LH surge was measured, females and BPA males, but not control males, exhibited an LH surge In gonadectomized, estradiol-treated rats, BPA increased AVPV kisspeptin neuron numbers at all 3 ages , making them closer to the female (higher) levels. In intact rats, BPA kisspeptin cell numbers were also higher in both estradiol-treated and untreated males . The LH surge in females and in BPA males was attenuated by the GPR54 inhibitor P234 1153
BPA Rat (S-D) F P1–P10 BPA 50 (2.5–6.2) or BPA 500 (25–62 mg/kg/d) given sc to pups P13 or P120 (in estrus) GnRH pulsatility, GnRH-induced LH release At P13, in vivo GnRH-induced LH release was decreased by BPA 500 , the number of GnRH peaks/hour in an in vitro perifusion increased , and the interpulse interval decreased . At P120, GnRH-induced LH release was decreased at 15 and 50 min post-BPA 525
DBP Rat (S-D) F P1–P5 (neonatal) or P26–P30 (peripubertal) 0.5, 5, or 50 mg/kg/d given sc to pups Adulthood (on proestrus) mRNA of Gnrh1 and Kiss1r in the AVPV and ARC GnRH1 mRNA in the AVPV and ARC was increased by DBP (5 mg/kg group only) in the neonatal group . For the pubertal group, Gnrh1 was increased (0.5 mg/kg) or decreased (5 mg/kg) in AVPV, and increased (0.5 mg/kg) or decreased (5, 50 mg/kg) in the ARC Kiss1r in AVPV was increased by DBP (5 mg/kg) in the neonatal group , and increased (0.5 mg/kg) or decreased (50 mg/kg) in the peripubertal group. In the ARC, Kiss1r was decreased (all doses) in the neonatal group, and increased (0.5, 50 mg/kg) or decreased (5 mg/kg) in the peripubertal group. Kisspeptin immunoreactivity in AVPV was increased (0.5 mg/kg, neonatal group) . In the ARC, kisspeptin immunoreactivity was increased (5 mg/kg, neonatal) or decreased (all dosages, peripubertal) 555
PCBs Rat (S-D) M/F E16, E18 1 mg/kg of A1221 or a mix of PCBs 138, 153, 180, given ip to dam on E16 and E18 P1 Gene expression in the POA GnRH1 mRNA was unaffected by PCB treatment Inline graphic Kiss1 mRNA was unaffected Inline graphic. Kiss1r mRNA was significantly decreased by PCBs in males and increased in females ↑ 1157
PCBs Rat (S-D) M/F E16, E18 1 mg/kg of A1221 or a mix of PCBs 138, 153, 180, ip to dam on E16 and E18 P60 (females on proestrus) Gene expression in the POA, and IHC for kisspeptin, GnRH-Fos, and ERα in the AVPV GnRH-Fos double labeling was significantly decreased by PCBs in females on proestrus . mRNA for Gnrh1 was unaffected in both sexes Inline graphic Kisspeptin immunofluorescence density was significantly decreased by PCBs in the female , but not the male Inline graphic, AVPV. mRNA for Kiss1 and Kiss1r were unaffected, both sexes Inline graphic 567
PCBs Rat (S-D) M/F E16, E18 1 mg/kg of A1221, ip to dam on E16 and E18 P15, P30, P45, P90 mRNA of 48 genes in the AVPV and ARC In females, A1221 masculinized Gnrh1 in the AVPV In females, A1221 masculinized expression of Kiss1r in the AVPV , and Kiss1 was increased by A1221 in the ARC 1145

Abbreviations: F, female; IHC, immunohistochemistry; M, male; S-D, Sprague-Dawley. Directionality of responses: ↓, down-regulated; ↑, up-regulated; Inline graphic, no change.