FIG 6.
Contribution of A2 and 2-20 G to binding and growth kinetics in primary airway epithelial cells. (A) Representative Western blots showing binding assays in normal human bronchial epithelial/air-liquid interface (NHBE/ALI) cells. Input virus inocula were normalized based on the N protein expression levels as shown in the bottom blot. (B) Densitometry analysis of bound virus. Virus binding (top panel) was calculated by normalizing the F level to the GAPDH level of the sample. This value for the Gstop viruses was also normalized to that of the corresponding parental virus with both F and G and is represented as the percentage of bound virus compared to that of the G+F virus (bottom panel). Graphs depict results from two independent experiments performed in triplicate wells. (C) NHBE/ALI cells were infected with kRSV-A2GA2F, kRSV-2-20G2-20F, kRSV-Gstop-A2F, or kRSV-Gstop-2-20F at an MOI of 1.0. Time zero represents the calculated input titer. Virus titers at each time point thereafter were quantified by FFU assay. *, P < 0.05 (comparing the bracketed groups by one-way ANOVA in panel B and comparing kRSV-A2GA2F and kRSV-2-20G2-20F in panel C). Data from the results of two independent experiments performed in triplicate wells are represented as means ± SEM.