FIG 1.
Identification of Dickeya- and Pectobacterium-antagonistic strains. (A) Distribution (Venn diagram) of the 241 isolates according to their capacity for growth inhibition against D. dianthicola RNS04.9 (Dd04.9), D. solani 3337 (Ds3337), P. atrosepticum CFBP6276 (Pa6276), and P. carotovorum subsp. carotovorum RNS98.1 (Pcc98.1). (B) Distribution of the retained 96 bacterial isolates according to their genus identification. (C) Distribution (Venn diagram) of the retained 58 isolates according to their capacity for limiting symptoms induced by each pathogen in potato tuber assays. The successive screening and selection to keep 241, then 96, and finally 58 isolates are described in the text.