Fig. 2.
Exercise promotes skeletal muscle Akt phosphorylation and FOXO1 nuclear export. Gastrocnemius of WT mice were assayed after 5 d of treadmill exercise vs. no exercise (control). (B–D) Representative Western blots of GAPDH and Akt phosphorylated at residue 473 (A), residue 308 (B), and total Akt (C) in muscle and representative Western blots of TBP and FOXO1 in nuclear extracts from muscle (D). (E–H) Summary statistics for expression of Akt phosphorylated at residue 473 (E), residue 308 (F), and total Akt normalized to GAPDH in muscle (G) and FOXO1 normalized to TBP in nuclear extracts from muscle by densitometry of Western blots (H). TBP, anti-TATA binding protein. *P < 0.05 vs. control.