Fig. 1.
CARD11(L225LI) drives lethal lymphoproliferation in vivo. (A) Kaplan–Meier curve of CD19-Cre and CARD11(L225LI)CD19-Cre mice (n = 15 each). (B) Macroscopic appearance of representative spleens and mesenteric lymph nodes (in cm). (C) Total counts of splenocytes and TCRβ- or CD19-expressing cells; bars indicate mean. (D) Representative frequencies of CD19- and eGFP-expressing cells in the splenic lymphocyte gate. (E) Disruption of the splenic architecture, with highly proliferative cells in the CARD11(L225LI)CD19-Cre mice, was revealed by H&E staining and immunohistochemistry using anti–Ki-67 antibodies (representative of three mice of each genotype). (Scale bars: 1 mm.) The data shown in B–E are obtained from 5-d-old animals.