Fig 3. External validation of models in the RIL-HD cohort, based on R e 2 and ICC.
SDMT: Symbol Digit Modalities Test; Stroop C, W and C/W: Stroop color, word and color/word interference; MDRS: Mattis Dementia Rating Scale; TMT A, B: Trail-Making Test A and B; HVLT: Hopkins Verbal Learning Task; TFC: Total Functional Capacity; IS: Independence Scale; FAS: Functional Assessment Scale. N: number of patients in the RIL-HD cohort for whom all the data required for the predictive model were available. R e 2: coefficient of determination for external validation. ICC: intraclass correlation coefficient. 95% CI: 95% confidence interval. a: R e 2 = -0.7. The red line represents the limit for a high-quality model (R e 2 > 50% of the observed variance explained by the model).