Fig 5. Blind source separation analysis of the LFPs recorded from the insula and elicited by nociceptive, tactile, auditory, and visual stimuli delivered to the contralateral hemibody.
PICA was used to isolate the contribution of multimodal and modality-specific neural activities. The displayed waveforms correspond to the global field amplitude of the ICs, backprojected onto the electrode contacts, as a function of time. LFPs elicited by nociceptive and non-nociceptive stimuli (global field amplitude of the original signal: black waveform) can be almost entirely explained by multimodal sources of activity (yellow). A small amount of somatosensory-specific activity (cyan) also contributes to both the nociceptive and vibrotactile LFPs, in particular, those recorded from the posterior insula. Not a single nociceptive-specific component (red) is identified. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/4R7PM.