Figure 1.
Maximum-likelihood (ML) phylogram of the mitochondrial cytochrome b (cytb) gene. (A) ML bootstrap with values greater than 75 located above the nodes. The mitochondrial clade memberships are indicated to the right of each tree. Lice samples positive for Bartonella quintana and/or Yersinia pestis and their genotypes (head or body lice) are specified (see legend at the top left). Specimens analyzed in this study are highlighted in black. The GenBank accession number, lead author, and locality are indicated for each louse specimen. Localities are abbreviated as follows: California (CA), Democratic Republic of the Congo (RDC), Florida (FL), Georgia (GA), Maryland (MD), Massachusetts (MA), Papua New Guinea (PNG), United Kingdom (UK), and Utah (UT). (B) Pathogenic bacteria transmitted by human lice. For head lice, only the DNA of some of these bacteria was detected.