Fig. 2.
Global loss of Panx3 has no effect on the development of the murine skeleton. Newborn (P0), 21 day old (P21), and 42 day old (P42) wild-type (WT) and Panx3 null mice were examined for signs of abnormal skeletal development. a Representative images of Safranin-O/Fast Green stained sections of WT and Panx3−/− tibia growth plates at P0 and P21. b, c Measurements of total growth plate, resting/proliferative zone, and hypertrophic zone length at P0 and P21, respectively, show no significant size differences (N=3 WT-null pairs, P<0.05; two-tailed t test). d Photographs of Alizarin Red/Alcian Blue-stained whole skeletons (left) and upper (top middle) and lower (bottom middle) limbs of 21-day-old mice. Long bone measurements of P21 (top right) and P42 (bottom right) long bones show no size differences between WT and Panx3 null mice (N=3 WT-null pairs for each time point, P<0.05; two-tailed t test). Results show mean ± SEM.