Figure 2.
PNPs for chelator-free 89Zr radiolabeling. (A) PNPs chelated the PET tracer 89Zr at room temperature with good efficacy when compared to the chelator desferrioxamine (DFO), according to radiochemical instant thin layer chromatograms. (B) The 89Zr-retaining PNPs exhibited Cerenkov luminescence. (C) PET-CT (left) and PET only (right) lymph node imaging 24 h after injection of intrinsically labeled 89Zr-PNPs in the left paw. The popliteal, superficial inguinal, and iliac lymph nodes are seen. (D) Biodistribution of 89Zr-PNPs 1 h post injection in the paw (inset, 24 h after); n = 3 per time point; means ± SEM. (E,F) Surgical resection of a draining popliteal lymph node using 89Zr-PNPs and Cerenkovluminescence 24 h post injection in the paw. The injection side is covered to prevent saturation. In (E), the resected node exhibiting Cerenkov luminescence is seen positioned adjacent to the animal with no signal remaining in the surgical bed.