Effect of memory in coarse-grained metastable states. (a) Double-well potential (Eq. (68)) exactly coarse-grained into states A and B with boundary along the green dashed line. We also show example paths (solid blue and red lines) that both exit B (circles) but start from different initial conditions within B (squares). (b) Length distributions ρ(ℓ) of paths (with β = 10) that exit B but start at different initial conditions (at the central barrier, corresponding to the blue square in (a), or in the low-energy basin, corresponding to the red square in (a)), along with the power law ℓ−3/2 for comparison. For paths that exit the coarse-grained state B, (c) the mean time and CVs , of length and time, and (d) skewness , and kurtosis , of length and time, all as functions of β. All calculations use a discretized square lattice with Δx = 0.05 over the space (x, y) ∈ [ − 2, 2] × [ − 2, 2].