Figure shows an ethidium bromide stained 2.5% agarose gel of the RT-PCR products of apo II cDNA. The in vitro transcribed apo II mRNA was used in mRNA stability assays to determine the effects of estrogen or the SERMs on the expression of E-RmRNASF in rooster livers. Lane 1 represents incubation of apo II mRNA in the absence of any added liver cytosolic extract, and lane 2 represent incubation of apo II with control liver cytosolic extract from roosters who received only the vehicle. Lanes 3-10, represent incubation of apo II mRNA with liver cytosolic extracts from roosters who were treated with estrogen (lane 3), resveratrol (lane 4), genistein (lane 5), catechin (lane 6), tamoxifen (lane 7), pterostilbene (lane 8), raloxifene (lane 9) or clomiphene (lane 10)