Fig. 2.
Test statistic (-logP) for QTL effects (or QTL × experiment effects for the combined years) at steps of 5 cM in the composite interval mapping model for resistance against Leptosphaeria maculans in the BnaDYDH (Darmor-bzh × Yudal doubled haploid) mapping population in five winter oilseed rape field experiments: INRA95 (INRA-Rennes, France 1994/1995), INRA96 (INRA-Rennes, France 1995/1996), INRA07 (INRA-Rennes, France 2006/2007), RRES08 (Rothamsted, UK, 2007/2008) and RRES09 (Rothamsted, UK, 2008/2009). The linkage groups are named according to B. napus A1-A10 and C1-C9 designations. Data analysed for QTL effects were logit(G2 index) combined across the five experiments (black square): logit(G2 index) in INRA95 (red filled square); logit(G2 index) in INRA96 (red filled circle); logit(G2 index) in INRA07 (red filled diamond); logit(G2 index) in RRES08 (red square) and logit(G2 index) in RRES09 (red circle)