Fig. 2.
Center specific microeconomic aspects and overall survival.
The graphs illustrate Cox model estimates of overall survival of 37,542 patients with an allogeneic HSCT by center specific microeconomic aspects (for definitions see Methods section). The model integrates year of transplant, years of experience, size of the center, main disease indication, EBMT risk score, conditioning and accreditation status as factors.
a. Patient volume.
The graph shows Cox model estimates of overall survival depending on patient volume in absolute numbers. Numbers give numbers of patients treated for the respective disease in the year of the transplant at the patients' center (0–4 patients blue, 5–9 patients green, 10–14 patients yellow, 15–19 patients purple, 20 patients and > 20 patients red).
b. Program duration.
The graph shows Cox model estimates of overall survival depending on the centers program duration in years for. Numbers give numbers of years of program duration at the time of the transplant (0–4 years blue, 5–9 years green, 10–14 years yellow, 15–19 years purple, 20 years and > 20 years red). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)