CB2R antagonism reverses plaque phenotype in DKO mice. (A) Absolute WBCs after three weeks of SR144528 treatment as means (n = 6) + SD. (B) Total lesion size measurements, (C) Oil red O (ORO)-stained lipids (magnification: 5×), (D) MoMa-2 immunohistochemically-stained macrophages (red) (magnification: 5×), (E) Masson’s Trichrome-stained collagen (blue) (magnification: 5×), and (F) necrotic core per plaque area. Data represent mean values of 15 aortic valve sections for lesion size measurements and 3 aortic valve sections in the area of maximal plaque size for ORO, MoMa-2, Trichrome, and necrotic core for each mouse. Data represent means (n = 6) + SD.