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. 2015 Dec 31;60(1):368–375. doi: 10.1128/AAC.01269-15


Magnitudes of avibactam %fT>CT associated with stasis and bacterial killing of P. aeruginosa in lungs of mice codosed with ceftazidime and various amounts of avibactam

Strain MIC (mg/liter)
Ceftazidime dose (mg/kg) q2h Avibactam %fT>CT 1b
Ceftazidime CAZ-AVIa Stasis 1-log kill
1 128 8 32 0.0 0.0 34.6
5 128 8 64 19.4 20.6 49.3
7 64 4 16 21.4 22.4 63.5
Median 19.4 20.6 49.3
Mean 13.6 14.3 49.1
SD 11.8 12.4 14.5

MIC of ceftazidime measured with a fixed avibactam concentration of 4 mg/liter.


Stasis, no growth of microorganisms compared to the initial inoculum; 1-log kill, = 1-log10 kill of microorganisms compared to the initial inoculum; CT, threshold concentration (virtual in vivo inhibitory concentration) in mg/liter; %fT > CT 1, percentage of time that free concentrations of avibactam stay above a CT of 1 mg/liter.


Percentage of time that free concentrations of ceftazidime stay above the MIC of CAZ-AVI (the MIC of ceftazidime as determined in the presence of a fixed avibactam concentration of 4 mg/liter).