Table 1.
Cut-off and criteria for variable categorization
Variable | Cut-off or criterion |
Age | >65 years |
Number of metastases | Single versus multiple (>1) |
Elevated CEA level | >5 ng/dL |
Specific Growth Rate | >0.0054/day* |
Elevated C-reactive protein level | >10 mg/L |
Low albumin level | <35 g/L |
Active cigarette smoke exposure | Active smoking until six months before metastatic onset |
Centrally located metastases | Proximity to a segmental or lobar bronchus/vessel |
Large size | ≥3 cm (longer axis) |
Disease-free interval from primary tumor resection | <36 months |
Nodal involvement of primary tumor | N1–3 (vs. N0) |
This value corresponds to a tumor doubling time of 128 days, according to the formula: tumor doubling time = ln(2)/specific growth rate. CEA, carcino-embryonic antigen.