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. 2015 Dec 23;4:768. doi: 10.1038/bonekey.2015.138

Table 1. Collection of reference publications using in vivo axial loading, with details of loading waveforms, loads, strains and observed effects on bone.

Species Strain Gender (M/F) Site Age (weeks) Waveform Peak load (N) Peak strain (μɛ) Strain rate (μɛ s−1) Pulse period (s) Rest period (s) Frequency (Hz) Nb cycles/session Schedule Observations (Only WT/non-treated/controls) Reference
Rats Spargue Dawley F Ulna 10±2a Sine 15 and 20 3125 NA NA NA 10, 20 1200, 12 000 Day 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 First introduction of in vivo axial loading. Osteogenic response with 20N: decelerated modeling drift, increased cross-sectional area, increase in periostal formation. New bone formation proportional to surface strains. Small or no repsonse with 15N. Torrance et al.19
Rats Fisher F Ulna 32 Haversine 13.3 2400 NA NA NA 2 ∼8000 Day 1 Periostal bone formation at 6, 12 and 18 days. Stiffness and toughness loss of 50% and 70%, respectively at day 0, equivalent to controls at day 12, increased +20% at day 18. Hsieh and Silva,40
Mice C57Bl/J6 F Tibia 8, 12 or 20 NA 2 to 13 NA 0.002 NA 10 2 40 3 Days per week for 2 weeks Between 8 and 12 N, significant increased periosteal inter-label; load-related increase in cortical new bone formation. Response to 13N equivalent to 12 N. No effect below 8 N. De Souza et al.21
Mice C57BL/6J M Tibia 14±1 Trapeze 12 1500 NA 0.1 10 0.1 40 3 Days per week for 2 weeks sacrificed 3 days later Increased bone mineral density and biomechanical properties of long bones; increased bone formation activity, particularly at the periosteum. Enhanced trabecular and cortical microarchitecture. Bonnet et al.11
Mice C57BL6 M Tibia 17±1 Square 8 1900 80 000 0.25 0.25 2 120 Day 1, 3, 5, 8 and 102 × per day Localized increase of cortical thickness and bone area; Stiffness of tibia increased by 16% compared with control, but no effect on ultimate force and postyield energy to failure. Stadelmann et al.25
Mice C57BL/6 C3H/HeJ and DBA/2J F Ulna Tibia 16 Haversine Strain adjusted 2000 NA NA NA 2 99 3 Days per week for 3 weeks Tibiaes showed greater MS, MAR and BFR than ulna at equivalent strains. No significant breed-related differences found in response to loading. Kuruvilla et al.45
Mice C57BL/6 F Tibia 17 Triangle 2 to 14 700 to 5000 up to ∼ 75 000 0.05 10 0.1 40 Day 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, and 19 Woven bone formation at the proximal and midshaft on lateral and posterior surfaces tibia with 5000 μɛ loading. Strength adaptation of tibia to peak dynamic loads proporational to peak load. Sugiyama et al.23
Mice C57BL/6 F Tibia 19 Trapeze 13.5 1400 ∼50 000b 0.05 10 0.1 40 3 Days per week for 2 weeks Increased proximal trabecular bone fraction, proximal cortical volume and midshaft cortical volume in tibia. Increased midshaft cortical bone volume in fibula. Woven bone formation. No systemic effects. Sugiyama et al.43
Mice C57BL/6 F Tibia 19 Trapeze 13.5 1800 ∼50 000c 0.05 10 0.1 40 3 Days per week for 2 weeks In cortical bone, decreased osteocyte sclerostin, increased bone formation and bone volume proximal but not distal. In trabecular bone, decreased osteocyte sclerostin and increased bone volume in secondary spongiosa. Moustafa et al.46
Mice C57BL/6 F Tibia 16 Haversine 5, 7 and 9 1833 NA NA NA 2 360 3 Days per week for 4 weeks In cortical bone, load-related response, up to 42% increase in midshaft pMOI with 9N. In trabecular bone, no response with 5 and 7N. With 9N, proximal BV/TV increased by 31%. Weatherholt et al.47
Mice C57Bl/6 F Tibia 26 NA 6 and 11.5 1200 and 2100 NA NA 0.1 4 1200 5 Days per week for 2 weeks (Days 1–5, 8–12)d With 11.5N, trabecular mass increased by 54% through trabecular thickening, cortical area increased by 41% through medullary contraction and periosteal expansion. No effect with 6N. Lynch et al.48
Mice C57Bl/6 F Tibia 8 Haversine bouts (4 cycles followed by 3s pause) 8.8, 10.6, and 12.4 1700, 2050 and 2400 NA NA 3 2 220 14 day period with a day of rest after every third day of loading, resulting in 9 loading days Load-related improved bone architecture. No effect with 8.8 N. With 10.6N improved cortical and trabecular bone, improved mechanical properties. With 12.4 N half of animals show woven bone response. Berma et al.49
Mice BALB/c M Tibia 28 and 88 Triangle 8, 10, and 12 3100 48N s−1 0 10 ∼0.1 ∼12 000 5 Days per week for 1 weeks (Mon-Fr)e Strong anabolic response on midshaft endocortex and periosteum for both age groups. Aged mice show greater endocortical response than young adult. Brodt et al.50
Mice BALB/c F Tibia 8, 16, 28 and 48 Triangle 7.5, 10, 8.5 and 11 1300 48N s−1 0 10 ∼ 0.1 60 3 Days per week for 1 or 6 weeks After 1 week, no effect in 8-w-old mice but increased osteoblast/matrix genes in older mice. After 6 weeks, increased cortical bone volume at all ages. Silva et al.51
Mice C57BL/6 and BALB/c F Tibia 16 Triangle 10 2800 in BL6 2350 in BALBc NA NA 100.1 26.7 60 (WashU) 1200 (Cornell) 3 Days per week for 6 weeks Compared WashU and Cornell/HSS protocols. Anabolic cortical bone response with both, but Cornell/HSS more rapid response (+ 13%). Mouse strain had no influence. Holguin et al.52

Abbreviations: BV/TV, bone volume/total volume; F, female; M, male; NA, not applicable.

aEstimated from Charles River growth chart based on reported weight of 200–220 g.

bEstimated from reported data.

cSame experiment as Sugiyama et al. -> We assume same strain.

dAlso known as Cornell/HSS protocol.

eAlso known as WashU protocol.