HT‐29/B6‐GR/MR cells were stimulated with or without DBA and with or without IL‐13 in the presence or absence of baricitinib or AS1517499 for 96 h, then rested FCS and IL‐13 free for 3 h and treated again with IL‐13 for 30 min. Then, total cellular protein was extracted, fractionated by SDS‐Page, and immuno‐probed for phospho‐specific ERK1/2, JNK, p38, or STAT6 expression. Human β‐actin served as loading control. A and B, representative Western blot analyses of the indicated proteins in the absence or presence of baricitinib (A) and the corresponding densitometric measurements (B). C and D, representative Western blot analyses of phospho‐specific p38 MAPK in the absence or presence of AS1517499 (C) and the corresponding densitometric measurements (D). Results in B and D are means ± SEM; n = 3, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.