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. 2015 Oct 5;3(4):e94. doi: 10.2196/mhealth.4263

Table 2.

Number of ovulatory, anovulatory, and inconclusive menstrual cycles detected by BMSW and the thermometer under visuala and quantitativeb analysis.

Method Ovulatory Anovulatory Inconclusive
Visual thermometer 1 11 3
Visual BMSW 1 8 5
Quantitative (MTM) thermometer 5 9 1
Quantitative (MTM) BMSW 0 14 1

aMathematical analysis was performed using the quantitative MTM method on Microsoft Excel.

bVisual analysis was performed by LH and YJ using the criteria for ovulation in Table 1. When these observers disagreed, JDW also made a visual determination and the majority decision was accepted. Temperature charts for visual analysis were constructed using Microsoft Excel.