Table 2.
Characteristics of health app use (abridged a).
Survey item | Response category | n (%) |
3. Have you ever downloaded an “app” to track anything related to your health? (n=1604) | Yes | 934 (58.23) |
4. How many health-related smartphone apps have you used?a (n=934) |
1-5 apps | 545 (58.4) |
6-10 apps | 104 (11.1) |
11-20 apps | 160 (17.1) |
More than 20 | 125 (13.4) |
5. Please check off all the reasons you have used health apps. (check all that apply) a (n=934) |
Track how much activity/exercise I get | 493 (52.8) |
Help me watch what I eat | 445 (47.6) |
Weight loss | 437 (46.8) |
Show/teach me exercises | 318 (34.0) |
Track a health measure | 266 (28.5) |
6. Rank the most important reasons you have not downloaded a health app. a (n=670) |
I’m just not interested in health apps | 181 (27.0) |
They cost too much to buy | 156 (23.3) |
I don’t trust letting apps collect my data | 103 (15.4) |
My health is fine and I don’t need one | 73 (10.9) |
They would use too much of my data | 85 (12.7) |
They are too complicated to use | 72 (10.7) |
7. What would be the maximum amount you would pay for a health-related app? a (n=1604) |
I wouldn't pay anything | 662 (41.27) |
US $1-US $3.99 | 400 (24.94) |
10. How much do you trust that your health apps automatically record your data accurately? a (n=934) |
Moderately trust | 416 (44.5) |
Very much trust | 344 (36.8) |
13. To what extent do you think health apps have improved your health? (n=934) |
Made worse/didn't help at all | 98 (10.5) |
Just a little bit/somewhat improved | 563 (60.3) |
Very much improved | 273 (29.2) |
14. Which health apps do you currently have on your phone? (free text) a (n=934) |
Walgreens | 123 (13.2) |
Fitbit | 107 (11.5) |
Weight Watchers | 59 (6.3) |
Web MD | 36 (3.9) |
Nike+ | 34 (3.6) |
15. Are there any health apps you downloaded and no longer use? (n=934) | Yes | 427 (45.7) |
16. What reasons do you no longer use them? (check all that apply) a (n=427) |
Takes too much time to enter data | 190 (44.5) |
Lost interest | 173 (40.5) |
There were hidden costs | 154 (36.1) |
20. Has a doctor ever recommended you use a health app? (n=1031) | Yes | 210 (20.37) |
a Table 2 is an abridged version; see Multimedia Appendix 2 for the full list of items and responses.